Physical Transformations

These are real life transformation stories from people who are just like you!

They are also shining examples of the type of accountability partners you can have! Just CONTACT ME for more details on how you can be a success story too!

I’m a mother-of-five who went from a “loose in the cage”, out-of-shape size 4 to a rock-solid size 0. 🙂
~Shelby B.

I’ve lost 90lbs and gone from a size 18 to a 6, but what i love the most I am going to be here for my family.
~Keala V.

41 year old male. Lost 36lbs and 8 inches off my abdomen w/P90x!
~Mo K.

Not only do I feel good and look good… I am now more productive and satisfied at work! What a bonus!
~Brenda M.

Beachbody has given me my life back! I have lost 16 pounds, and dropped from a size 15 to a size 8. 😀
~Nikkole S.

At 55 years of age I have still managed to lose 87 pounds largely due to P90X and Tony Horton.
~Doug B.

I was able to drop 49 lbs in 6 months using P90X and Shakeology. You’d be amazed at how that changes your life!
~Amon M.

P90X and Beachbody gave me my life back. I wasn’t living …I was existing before P90X. Tony Horton showed me that exercise can and should be fun. That this lifestyle is attainable by anyone and you too can feel AMAZING every single day!
~Carter I.

Beachbody programs allowed me to find the person externally that I used to be. I feel like I have turned the clock back 20 years. That does a lot for your physical and mental health!
~Mandy D.

Beachbody programs have helped me change my lifestyle with exercise and nutrition options which have allowed me to lose 50 lbs. so far!
~Dan C.

I have a weight loss of 45-50 lbs (it fluctuates) and 52 inches gone! Work in progress! 🙂
~Jen N.

I’m a 47 year old mother and grandmother. My weight loss is 32 lbs so far, from size 12 to 6-8.
~Linda B.

*Results Vary

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