Shakeology – From The Fields Video

Watch the video to see how Shakeology’s ingredients are sourced from the world over

Follow the adventures of Darin, Shakeology’s Ingredient Hunter, as he finds the ingredients that make Shakeology the healthiest meal of the day!


Healthy Families

Words Of Encouragement

This is an inspirational story that any parent should read…

One of the best benefits of learning how to eat to fuel my body, as a mom, was learning what a healthy plate looks like.

At Tony Horton Fitness Camps in the days of old, Tony used to talk about the important fuels for your body: lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

FamilyWhen we first started on this health and fitness journey, I cleaned out all my cupboards and fridge of the bad stuff that I’d allowed to creep in, and replaced it with the healthy stuff listed in my new food journal provided with the Team Beachbody Club. That was a big deal for me, because it was a commitment with my pocketbook! I used the expression “Say no to yourself once: at the grocery store!” that I’d learned from another member in my Beachbody Challenge Group. That saying made sense to me, and I wanted to teach my kids the same thing. Rather than me having m&m’s in a bag that they ask me for 10 times throughout the day, not even having them on the shelves was a few less “no”’s I had to tell my kids. It helped me get creative in making the snacks fun, and the meals tasty!

My kids really resisted at first. Well, the older ones. They were grumpy that the junk food they’d grown accustomed to were no longer an option. Oh, I’m all about moderation, and they still had desserts, and sweet foods, but I changed their options for the more healthy counterparts: Fat free yogurt instead of go-gurts, lime Perrier (“bubble water”) in place of soda, thin crust, light cheese & veggie pizza instead of the thick crust, oozing cheese pepperoni pizza’s of old. We had tons of different fruits, and instead of calorie laden casserole’s we had grilled chicken, lots of veggies and instead of white rice, we had whole grain rice and quinoa and bulgar. Havent tried em? Neither had I until I found the Beachbody Club and then I was hooked on these new flavors! In fact, my kids actually (and this is the truth!) used to say “Brussel Sprouts? Yay! Thanks Mom!” It sounds so fake and cheeseball, but they really love brussel sprouts – a veggie I’d never made before then. Because the truth is, healthy foods DO taste good, and its possible to re-train our habits and taste buds.

Oh, we still have soda, and ice cream every now and again, just not every day or week, and you know what? My kids are healthy, strong, and adjusted. So be encouraged if you are just starting on your journey to a healthier family – with time and consistency, and open, honest communication, ie: “I cant in good conscience give to you what I know now to be so unhealthy for you, son.” your kids WILL adjust and when they’re adults they’ll thank you. When they do, you can pat yourself on the back knowing you did the hard, but right thing by your family.

100 Doctors Don’t Lie

Doctors are using and recommending Shakeology to their patients. Watch the video and get yours now!

Even if you searched all over the world, you probably wouldn’t be able to find all of the 70-plus, ultra-high-quality ingredients included in Shakeology. Not only do you get a wide range of essential nutrients, from the fruits and vegetables you should be eating more of every day, you’ll also get the benefits of important foods from all around the world—foods that the latest scientific research has shown to be highly advantageous to your well-being.

BeachBody Challenge – Get Fit & Win Prizes

Win Over $100,000!

Take The Beachbody Challenge™ for the motivation you want and need to get fit and then you can win big!

It’s our health and fitness contest that will help you achieve your fitness goals and give you a chance to WIN some serious cash. If you want to get fit, now is the time to do it. Use any Beachbody® program and share your results for a FREE T-shirt and a chance to win more than $100,000!

  • Daily Prizes*: $500
  • Monthly Prizes: $1,000
  • Quarterly Prizes: $5,000 and an expenses-paid trip
  • The Grand Prizes: $100,000!

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Bb Challenge Flyer

STEP 1: I’m in! Take The Beachbody Challenge!

You can win $500 each day.*

Choose your Beachbody program, take “before” photos, and start tracking your progress!

(It’s okay to skip step 1 if you’re already in shape and want to enter your fitness results.)

STEP 2: I’m done! Enter my results!


Submit your “before” and “after” photos along with your transformation story for the chance at big money! Enter my results.

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*Log your workouts in Super Gym for your chance to win the daily $500 prize.

Shakeology Review

A guest post from 12 Star Diamond and founding coach, Traci Morrow When Shakeology was added to our exclusive Beachbody Coach store, it made a lot of sense to me: the idea of a meal replaced with a shake that in effect, filled in the large gaps of my present diet’s nutrition. An unhealthy accumulation of days – even years – stacked up where my body wasn’t getting what I was needing and I felt it. Tired, feeling run down from my busy life, and out of time to prepare what I thought I needed – or did I even know what that was? Fruits that don’t taste all that great anymore because they’re pulled from the trees or vines too early for mass crops, vegetables that came from a frozen bag and devoid of flavor as well. I’m a terrible pill taker, so my multivitamin consumption was more hit than miss. A shake that “acted like a salad but tasted like a dessert” is what it said, and as a protein shake consumer, I was game.

Shakeology turned out to be far more than I knew to hope for. A complete system: two workouts (30 and 50 minutes), a month of recipes for both flavors, and a meal plan (through the Club) for how to incorporate the shake into my day? This wasn’t just a meal replacement shake that was going to require me to figure out how to incorporate it into my day – this was a lifestyle shift and one I desperately needed if I wanted to LIVE healthy. I love being able to speak from personal experience of how the Shakeology system has helped me regain energy, and have everyone I love on it! My 70+ year old parents, my 86 year old father in law, my siblings, my teenagers, and my 6 & 7 year olds love it too. All ages, both genders; experiencing health in a shake and a lifestyle shift that helps “End the Trend” of obesity, fast food diets, and highly processed foods that harm our generation..starting with us. ☺

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What To Expect!

Fitness Journal Example

Day Two of P90X/Plyometrics

Up at 5 am again. I am going to need to go to bed earlier, as it was not nearly as easy to roll out of bed this morning!

Took my supps, fried KC his eggwhites before he was out the door to work, set up my living room to look like “My Gym”, signed on to WOWY “Online Super Gym” and then pressed play. I don’t get to work out with music, as my kids are all asleep down the hall, and I have to keep the volume VERY low and do all my hopping, jumping, grunting, and straining as quietly as possible.

What To ExpectLOVE, LOVE, LOVE PlyometriX!! It works your legs something fierce, but all in good fun, and I love having new moves to learn. One thing about ME: I am pretty competitive, so I really try to keep up not only with the girls, but with the boys. (NO ONE can keep up with Tony Horton – every good competitor knows when they are outmatched!) Some sound advice I got before this workout: “Don’t go at it like an animal or you won’t walk tomorrow”. So I started out with those intentions. That lasted about 30 seconds. I was having so much fun the time flew as I worked my body like crazy in this routine. But not beyond safety and keeping good form; just a good hard workout that ROCKS!!

The inside tip of the day:

Soft landing is the name of the game so our knees that have recovered from the SQUAT NAZI Debbie Sieber’s Slim in 6 will not be sore again!!

I am so excited to be going through this with all of you! It’s just a CRAZY program that will whip our bodies into tip top shape come day 90. And the fun of doing it alone in your house is that you really are competing with yourself. Yes, there are those on the tape who we compete with each time, but it’s a personal best against them. And no one standing next to you to make you feel less because you can’t keep up with them. In the flesh. It’s a beautiful thing, this home fitness idea. And then we pick back up our living room and no one is the wiser to our private fitness sessions, except that our sweatshirts are starting to bulge in the arms.

I’ve got someone coming for a haircut in a few minutes and I still have yet to take a quick shower. A good hot shower sounds good for my worked body right about now!! Check back in to see if I’m able to walk tomorrow!? I’m up a for a GREAT day today, after a BLAST of a start!!

Is it tomorrow yet?????

Bring it!

Want A Partner In Accountability?

Accountability Is What Sets Beachbody Apart!

The story below is one from a few years back, before we had the big social networks. Since then, the bonds of new relationships and accountability partners has grown even greater, thus your opportunity for success! 

This is a unique time in history, where relationships are cultivated while sitting alone in a room at a keyboard. Some of my dearest friendships that I’ve developed in the past 10 years have begun in this way and if I hadn’t experienced it, I might be more than just a bit skeptical. Can you “hug” an email? Can you really call someone a friend whom you’ve never seen face-to-face? Some might say no, but that would not be someone who’s truly experienced the power of the Beachbody Coaching community!

Accountability PartnersI’d never been on a message board when I started posting in the Beachbody Boards (pre FaceBook days) back in 2003. I didn’t even know there WERE boards to find other people going through the program I was going through until I learned of them from a fellow Beachbody member. I logged on and started posting my journey and sent this question out into the internet abyss: “Who’s with me?” It wasn’t long before someone answered. And then another. A “Challenge Group” was born. We lived in different states, different time zones, our family sizes varied, as did our lifestyles. We had different religions, different backgrounds, some worked doing manual labor, some crunched numbers for big companies, and some (like me) were stay at home moms. It didn’t matter. What drew us together was the common goal of weight loss, reclaiming our health, and going through it …TOGETHER.

Some people would drop back in participation because life pressed in, and when they did the community would reach out and tell them they were welcome back at any time, and assured them that they were missed. Because of that we didn’t lose anyone. It was a safe place to come back to; where successes were celebrated and backsliding was forgiven. Every Challenge Group brought new friends into my life, and because we went through something so personal as weight loss together, bonds were/are created and in some cases, life long friendships are made.

Yes, if you workout consistently and eat well consistently you WILL get results. But when you add the third cord to that system – the cord of accountability – not only will you see the odds of getting results climb, but you’ll feel a part of something. Something new, something good, something that will make fitness and healthy eating a lifestyle and not just a passing phase.

That’s the magic of Beachbody. People need people, and with Team Beachbody’s Challenge Groups for accountability you WILL cross the goal line. And you’ll do so linking arms with those who ran the race with you! ☺