Successful Coach Stories

These real life success stories come from regular people, who have dedicated themselves to achieving such incredible treasures in life…through their success with Beachbody!

As you read through each testimonial below, you are guaranteed to find yourself identifying with so many different aspects of each story. These are the people that saw their dreams and went for it!

Before finding BeachBody, i was in process of losing everything I owed, the real estate business I had built, was overweight and trying to keep a marriage together. Kelley and I found P90X on TV, bought it, and got great results. I lost 44 pounds in 90 days and we both found something we loved to do together. We didn’t realize how much we needed that and it’s bizarre to thing that some workout program was the catalyst for the greatest endeavor of our life. We went from bankrupt, to working this business hard, inspired by truly amazing leaders like Anne Dovel, Traci Morrow, Doug Fitzgerald, Pete Pena and many others. Just last week we moved into our new home with the room we wanted for our family and best of all, we role modeled for our kids how you can get knocked down in life, but the real story is how you handle yourself and get out the other side. I’ve always been one to embrace the personal relationships in life and my character is not for sale. That’s my recipe for success! ~Mike R.

Four years ago I was scratching lottery tickets, smoking pot, and eating Taco Bell at 2 AM, sleeping 14 hours a day. I’m completely a transformed life… not even close to being the same man I was before finding Beachbody. I was a severely depressed, morbidly obese, and drowning in debt with no way out of life’s deep dark hole. Since discovering Beachbody I’ve overcome 20 years of food addiction, obesity, lost 100+ lbs, and created a 6 figure income as a coach. I have significantly improved my personal relationships, gained more confidence, energy, and freedom than I ever dreamed possible. No more doubt, fear, and insecurity, just the fulfillment of helping others out of struggle and into freedom while living a completely transformed physical and financial life” ~Tommy M.

Before Beachbody I was an elementary school teacher. I spent the majority of most days loving on other people’s children. Although I loved my job, I wanted nothing more than to spend most of my time with my own children. Since I joined as a Beachbody coach, I’ve earned all the income I would have ever earned in my entire career as a teacher and brought my husband home from his law practice. We are home together; spending all our free time with our family. I am so grateful I took a chance with this opportunity. Now, I get to help other’s build the life of their dreams. ~Monica W.

I was extremely skeptical and cynical when I was considering this opportunity. I become a Coach with much doubt in my mind but I knew Beachbody, I knew their programs, and I knew they worked. Maybe Coaching would work for me too? Committing to my own personal fitness and growth, I have been able to help others and leave a decent paying career in pharmaceutical sales…and return to college while I received a 2nd degree in Physical Education. Beachbody Coaching and helping others afforded me that opportunity and I did not have to move home with my parents or go into debt to achieve that goal. I now work for myself full time from home and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this was possible. I went from a cynic to a believer because there is nothing more real than helping others by first helping yourself with the most positive and supportive community that is Team Beachbody. ~Joe P.

What has Beachbody has done for me? It’s difficult to put into words, especially without getting emotional….Beachbody to me is the ability to say YES…..yes to my 13 year old’s request for more ballet lessons (her passion)…yes to my 10 year old’s request for drama class (her passion)…yes to my 16 year old’s opportunity to travel to New York City THREE TIMES this year with her high school music groups…yes to FINALLY booking our Disney vacation, after waiting 5 years since our last real vacation, and beginning the countdown to December 18th when we will be in the Magic Kingdom. Pretty sure I will cry when I turn the corner and see the castle. It’s also saying NO….no to debt, no to financial stress, no to the constant worry that there just isn’t enough money to get to the end of the month…it has truly changed our lives. My husband and I both went into careers (coaching and teaching) that revolve around helping others and sharing our passion….neither one of these careers is financially lucrative. But to finally be in a position to own a business that allows us to do much of what we do daily (teach, coach, lead, motivate, hopefully inspire) on a bigger global scale, to be able to help others while helping our family….it is truly a dream come true. Boiled down to three words???

I like to say that Beachbody Coaching is what I never knew I always wanted to be. It not only enabled me to transform my own health and fitness, but it married my two passions: helping people and my newfound love for fitness! As a founding, Top, Elite Coach our family has been blessed with so many financial benefits, not the least of which provides a nice home over our heads, cars that work, no stress when we fill our gas tank or when someone inevitably needs new shoes, but also an annual family vacation that strengthens our bonds with fun memories. It’s a blessing beyond measure, and when my coaches write and tell me they reached their dreams in this poor economy, my heart swells with gratitude. The ripple effect of a life reclaimed, and a business booming will be for generations to come, and what better legacy to leave to our kids but good health and the opportunity to help their fellow man? ~Traci M.

Have you ever felt insignificant? Sometimes people don’t appreciate us. But sadder still is when we don’t appreciate ourselves. Significance is more than giving as you cannot give what you do not have. As a Beachbody customer I achieved physical success and in time I learned to value myself, my health, my emotions and my “baggage”. Too many people feel insignificant and unimportant but it’s important to believe in yourself. As a Star Diamond Beachbody Founding Coach I have quadrupled my former “full time” salary. My financial success is possible only because understanding my self-worth is how I help others understand their own. Changing my own outlook guides me to help others do the same for themselves. ~Dawn B.

When I first joined Beachbody as a coach, I just wanted to be able to pay for my workouts and supplements. And this was before Shakeology! So making an extra $50 a week would have made me super happy. I never dreamed that in just three short years, I would make more than double the annual salary that took me 35 years to build up in the hotel industry, nor earn the rank of 10 Star Diamond and Elite Coach! I still work fulltime, and I feel so secure now that I know I don’t have to worry about my retirement income. ~Fran P.

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.
The Statement of Independent Coach Earnings can be found by CLICKING HERE!

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